Helping businesses grow

Find out how our ecosystem can support your company


Companies within Innovation Martlesham have access to a rich and unique ecosystem full of possibilities - one of these is to leverage expertise and facilities that other companies in the ecosystem have and are happy to share. 

The Innovation Martlesham team doesn't leave this up to chance, we help facilitate meaningful connections by working to understand each of our company’s goals. We then use our extensive knowledge of the cluster to connect companies with others who might be able to help achieve their ambitions.

In a recent example Innovation Martlesham company, Extend Robotics, came together with BT’s Applied Research team to test the latest version of their robotic application using the BT 5G-VINNI network at Adastral Park.

Extend Robotics’ CEO, Chang Liu said “Thanks to the great support from Innovation Martlesham and BT, the integration to the 5G-VINNI testbed is a milestone to Extend Robotics being able to demonstrate the versatility of the system to adapt to BT's commercial networks, and a practical solution to an industrial application. We believe our demonstration shows the latency and bandwidth benefits of 5G, which enables state-of-the-art applications. We are excited about the initial joint effort with BT and looking forward to further collaboration opportunities”

5G-VINNI is an EU collaborative project to build a set of interconnected 5G testbeds around Europe. The UK testbed is managed by BT’s Applied Research team and is located at Adastral Park - home to BT’s R&D headquarters and Innovation Martlesham.

If you’re a tech-company looking for opportunities to grow your business, please get in touch to find out more about how Innovation Martlesham can help.

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