REPLAY: IM Webinar with Calnex

Published: June 29, 2023 in ,


Innovation Martlesham was delighted that Sam Martin (Product Manager, Network Emulation) and Stephen Fitzsimmons (Business Development Manager) both of Calnex Solutions, delivered this month's IM webinar entitled "Why achieving low latency in 5G is not enough'

The webinar looked at 5G Services: the applications and devices that use 5G networks to deliver a new standard of experience for the end user.  Sam discussed Ultra reliable low latency communications (URLLC), a subset of 5G standards and the drive towards achieving this as a key enabler for success. However, he also highlights why achieving this standard of Low Latency alone, is not enough to ensure application performance. With a VR Gaming use case as an example he explains why driving for latency consistency should be the focus of operators and application owners.

Sam also then explores how using network emulation, and specifically network modelling can create a ‘performance based digital twin’ to identify optimal network designs that deliver the specific and consistent network conditions required by any application intended to run, and perform, across a 5G network.



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