Can Innovate UK KTPs Help Grow Your Business

Published: February 15, 2024 in

For nearly 50 years, Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) have been helping businesses to innovate and grow.

Each KTP project is supported by a Knowledge Transfer Advisor (KTA). For Suffolk based businesses, Dr Sharon Perry is your local KTA and can connect you with over 100 Knowledge Bases (universities and other research organisations) across the UK.

Sharon’s academic background is in Metallurgy, and she has spent over 20 years working in technical and professional roles in manufacturing, engineering, and IT. She will be able to help you find the right academic match, develop projects with the Knowledge Base and monitor the project through its entire lifecycle.

What makes a good KTP project?

  • The innovation idea needs to be driven by the business and backed up by a commercial exploitation plan.
  • It’s important that the right academic expertise is matched to the right project.
  • A highly skilled associate is employed to manage and deliver the project.
  • Knowledge is embedded within the business to support further growth and to accelerate innovation.
  • Support and funding are provided by Innovate UK for the expertise, and to employ an associate to deliver the project.

What is the funding model?

  • Innovate UK provide different levels of funding, depending on the size of your business:
    • SMEs – 67% funded.
    • Large Organisations – 50% funded.
  • The business provides the remaining funding.
  • Each project typically costs between £90,000 to £100,000 per year.
    • Costs covered include the associate’s employment, academic support costs, related consumable spend, travel and subsistence.

How do I find out more?

If you are already discussing projects with a Knowledge Base, ask them about Innovate UK KTP funding.

Alternatively, please contact or contact me on Linkedin





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