Welcome to Acuity Robotics

Accessible infrastructure intelligence from inaccessible places


Acuity Robotics is a Data as a Service (DaaS) company that captures data on complex physical infrastructure using proprietary robot technology. We ingest, analyse and report on the data we capture to deliver detailed and dynamic insights and reports. Our robots are unique in their ability to access a wide variety of complex structures and deploy a variety of sensors for thorough condition assessment.


Acuity Robotics is a spin out of the University of Leeds Real Robotics laboratory at the National Facility for Innovative Robotic Systems.

A team of world class-mechatronics and data specialists providing integrated inspection and data reporting by robots.

An award-winning robotics team, we have built two of the world’s smallest proprietary robots to climb metallic structures that are difficult, costly or impossible to access by humans or drones.

The data and imagery captured in real time is then analysed for business intelligence by our proprietary Infrastructure Insights Data Dashboard (ARIID).

The markets we currently support are Telecoms, Rail and Road, and Onshore Wind Turbines.

BT and Unipart Rail are development partners.

A unique proposition where our small tetherless robots capture critical live data from hard to reach infrastructure which feeds our proprietary inspection assignment, analytics and reporting database.

Squirrel robot

A highly manoeuvrable robot platform with six wheel drive coupled with a super dexterous camera turret that provides the remote operator with an unparalleled vantage point to inspect the surface of a structure and its surroundings.

Can also be enhanced with different payload options such as metal thickness sensors, thermal and depth cameras.

Stoat robot

Alternative lightweight robot platform with four wheel drive available for internal pole inspection.


ARIID is the online portal where our robotic inspection data is ingested, stored and processed to produce detailed inspection reports.

Asset managers can also instantly see and monitor the health of their infrastructure for improved decision making.

At a glance

Service options: Infrastructure inspection by robots and data analysis
Located in: Leeds
Address: Nexus, Discovery Way, Leeds, England, LS2 3AA
Hours: 0900-1700
Phone: +44 (0) 113 418 0219

In the News

Acuity Robotics Enjoys The Robotics Festival
January 19, 2023
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