Mvine involved in ‘Unlocking UK Digital Identity in 2022

Published: June 22, 2022 in

techUK calls for industry and government cooperation to unlock the full potential of Digital ID in significant new report

Mvine Limited, an Innovation Martlesham company, was involved in the publication on 9th June 2022 of techUK’s third report covering the UK digital identity sector.

The new report called ‘Unlocking UK Digital Identity in 2022’ calls on the UK Government and industry to work closely together to deliver properly regulated Digital Identity (ID) marketplace, strengthening business confidence that the UK has a viable digital identity ecosystem.

Joseph Spear, Director of Communications at Mvine, who works at Adastral Park and who serves as chair of techUK’s Digital ID working group, said: “Digital ID will bring many benefits to the UK’s economy and society, but actionable regulation is first of all needed to reach its full potential. techUK’s white paper builds on the previous two and is equally as timely and informative as industry and Government navigate the use cases of Digital ID.

“The techUK Digital Identity Working Group is keen to see the development of a collaborative Digital ID ecosystem where the public, private or third sector can reap the benefits.”

Iain McCallum, Programme Manager for Digital ID at techUK said: “Since the publication of techUK’s last white paper on Digital ID in 2020, we have witnessed the development of the Digital ID ecosystem in the private sector with world-class solutions being delivered to UK business and citizens during the upheavals of the global pandemic. However, there are still significant barriers to overcome with the development of the UK Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework, and many in the industry feel that closer cooperation and engagement is required to both optimise and accelerate the Framework development process.”

News coverage about the publication of this report has featured by media outlets including Computer Weekly, Biometric Update, and National Technology.

TechTarget’s Computer Weekly also published an opinion piece by Julian David, CEO at techUK to in which he said: “It should be clear to everyone concerned with digital identity in the UK that effective regulation must take account of how the industry works to ensure that its provisions are both fit for purpose and reflect the constraints and limitations of the technology”

While the work DCMS has been carrying out for the UK Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework is a welcome step forward, techUK believes that without addressing the report’s ten key recommendations the credibility of the Framework will diminish and the UK will miss out on a unique economic opportunity surrounding Digital ID.


The full report can be downloaded from here

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