Nicky in conversation with ... Dave Feeney, BT Account Director, Fortinet

No matter how large or small an enterprise is or what sectors they focus on, cyber security is now an integral part of the enterprises’ infrastructure. A common definition of cyber security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect cyber-attacks.  One of the key elements to reducing the risk of a cyber attack is a firewall.

In this podcast Dave Feeney the BT Account Director of IM company Fortinet,  gives more insight about the importance of firewalls and other areas we should be thinking about.  He

  • begins with giving an overview of Fortinet and explains what a firewall is
  • expands on a key industry trend for the ‘convergence of networking and security’, and what Fortinet is doing in this space with ‘Secure Software Defined  Wide Area Networks’  ( Secure SD-WANs )
  • shares what’s next for Fortinet

To find out more Dave would be very happy to hear from you.  Please contact him on

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