Nicky in conversation with .... Derek Bell, Co-Founder And COO Mitra Innovation

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Mitra Innovation has been around for about 8 years in a very competitive sector and asks Derek why he feels that the company is doing so well. Expanding on the question Derek explains the success is probably down to Mitra Innovation's positive reputation in helping a variety of public and private enterprises to take their ideas and accelerate them into solutions that could also become a business. The company has been so successful at doing this they have grown in the UK as well as in other parts of the globe. Innovation is also a key element to the company and is at the heart of their new strapline - Brighter Together.

Nicky concludes the podcast by posing the question 'so what's next Derek' and it was clear from his response that supporting non business activities is as important to Derek and continuing to drive the success of Mitra Innovation into the future.



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