REPLAY: IM Webinar with Ribbon Communications

Published: July 2, 2024 in


Innovation Martlesham was delighted that David Stokes, Head of IP Portfolio and Solutions Marketing, Ribbon Communications presented this months IM Webinar on the topic of  “Coherent Routing and the Intelligent Middle Mile”.

Recent investments in fixed and wireless last mile technologies are adding huge increases in broadband capacity to end users, which the right middle mile network can transform into vast new rivers of services traffic. These new services require more than just bandwidth. They require a varied range of guaranteed performance characteristics, such as speed, latency, and availability. At the same time, to maximize profitability, network costs must be kept to a minimum.

During this webinar we looked at the impact of these service and TCO requirements on the middle mile and how to maximise the profitability of middle mile networks.

An Intelligent Middle Mile network enables network operators to maximize profitability, by supporting differentiated services that unlock the value of last mile investments, while minimizing TCO through an efficiently built and operated network.

Ribbon are experts in building intelligent middle mile solutions that leverage our SDN, IP, and Optical portfolios.

To learn more please contact  David Stokes ( or Richard Horton (




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