Virtual Reality Learning And Development With VRtuoso

Published: September 17, 2020 in ,

“Virtual Reality (VR)" is the new game changer in learning and development. Around the world companies are adopting VR as a powerful new medium for delivering effective training that significantly improves engagement and knowledge retention. 

In our latest Innovation Martlesham (IM) webinar Matt Lawson (Project Lead at VRtuoso and CEO of Downstream Innovation) took us on a journey from the early history of VR through to the current rapid global growth in the VR learning and development market.

Access the webinar

He described the barriers to scale adoption of VR that are now being overcome by VRtuoso – the worlds leading VR training and development company and part of the IM cluster. VRtuoso’s cloud based solution overcomes the complexity and expense of VR application development and content creation by enabling anybody to create high quality VR learning experiences and deliver them remotely and at scale across an organisation. The webinar then explored examples from major corporate brands around the world who have adopted this game changing technology.  Use cases covered included:

  • soft skills and people management
  • health and safety procedures for the maintenance of potentially dangerous equipment
  • training new joiners on high end fashion products
  • Quality training for pharmaceutical production lines
  • Onboarding contractors from around the world into a geographically remote construction site.
  • Virtual tours for regeneration and development projects

As the market for VR in learning and development continues its rapid growth with a forecast size of $6.3bn by 2022 this webinar is the perfect way to dip into the subject and think about how VR might benefit your organisation. If you’ve seen the webinar and would like to find out more please contact Matt:





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