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October 31, 2022
Innovation Martlesham Welcomes Interact!
Interact is a pioneering IT Energy Efficiency Specialist.
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October 30, 2022
Interact won big at the Leeds Digital Festival
Interact, an Innovation Martlesham member, won big at the Leeds Digital Festival 29th Sept
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October 26, 2022
Nicky in conversation with ... Matthew Hopkinson, Commercial and Data Insights Lead, Acuity Robotics
A common vision of a robot is a machine resembling a human being and replicating human mov
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October 18, 2022
Watch the replay of “CGI – Innovation in action”
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September 21, 2022
Watch the replay of "All Robots are Dummies – without Control Systems” 
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September 13, 2022
A Finalist Of One Of The Suffolk Business Awards!
RentMy have been announced as a finalist of the Innovation Award, part of the Suffolk Busi
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August 22, 2022
REPLAY: IM Webinar with Capsule Marketing
Learn about creating video content & how to overcome it
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August 18, 2022
Nicky in conversation with ... Tony Kagoo, Head of Innovation, Telecom Sector, TCS
The Cambridge dictionary states the word ‘innovation’ as being - ‘a new idea or m
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August 16, 2022
Thales – Data in Motion Encryption
Networks are under constant attack and sensitive assets continue to be exposed
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August 15, 2022
Nicky in conversation with ... James Lee Burgess Founder, UrbanXR
Augmented Reality (AR) is technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a use
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